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NHS. Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service. 2022. (accessed 28 February 2024)

Climate change and health outcomes

02 March 2024
Volume 12 · Issue 2

A survey conducted by conservation charity the Woodland Trust has revealed 96% of GPs questioned want the government to take action to combat health threats from climate change and extreme weather. They say policymakers must prioritise the environment to improve the health of the nation and ease pressure on the NHS. Around 70% also believe they should be able to prescribe time out in nature to ensure the health of future generations.

In terms of climate change and sustainability targets for the health service, the NHS outlined two ‘clear and feasible’ targets in its Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service report (NHS, 2022):

The Greener NHS National Programme was established to deliver the changes needed while delivering against ‘broader environmental health priorities’. It adds that since the publication of the strategy, the NHS has made progress on its work, including ‘embedding the response to climate change into the governance and strategy of every Trust, and investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy’.

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