Children's Trust of South Carolina, a state leader in improving the health and wellbeing of SC families and children, serves as the lead agency for the SC MIECHV programme. The aim of the SC MIECHV...
This paper is written up following the revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellences (SQUIRE 2.0) guidelines (Ogrinc et al, 2016).
The research used a cross-sectional design and an online self-administered questionnaire to collect data from women at a single point in time. The questionnaire encompassed demographics and six...
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the degree of professional satisfaction in nurses working in paediatric hospitals of tertiary care, as well as the factors affecting these parameters in...
The pupils received written and oral information about the study's purpose, the right to refrain from answering any question and about the possibility to withdraw participation at any time without any...
The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine was launched in the UK in 1988, when childhood immunisation uptake was at a 92% high (Raneri and Matusitz, 2014).
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that affect students' wellbeing..
This study employed a descriptive cross-sectional design. The target population are the OVC living in orphanages. The sample size was 384, using the Cochran formula n=Z 2pq/d2, with the prevalence...
Quantitative, descriptive and relational study on a population of toddlers' parents who attended nurseries in the district of Viseu, Portugal. The 94 institutions in the district have been contacted,...
There are many advantages of receiving care in the community, be that in an educational setting or at home (Green, 2019). Children undergoing cancer treatment and families want to feel a sense of...
The aim of this study was to explore the experience of the children, mothers, and school nurse with regard to support groups..
The participant demographics are displayed in Table 1..
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