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Support group for a bullied schoolchild: A case study

02 August 2022
Volume 3 | British Journal of Child health · Issue 4


Bullying among schoolchildren has long-term consequences for children's health. Support groups could be an effective method against this. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of the children, mothers, and school nurse regarding bullying and support groups.

This study is a qualitative exploratory design case study, with interviews of the participants. Individual interviews were conducted with the bullied child, two mothers and the school nurse and focus group interviews were had with seven boys in the support group. The bullied boy coped better after receiving help from the support group, his family and the school nurse. We found that working together as a team is important to prevent bullying, and the school nurse reported being happy to have the support group as a tool.

Bullying among schoolchildren is a significant public health problem worldwide with long-term detrimental consequences on children's physical and mental health. The prevalence of being bullied is 36% and 15%, respectively in the USA and European countries (Chester et al, 2015; Eyuboglu et al, 2021; Modecki et al, 2014) and ranges from 7% to 20% in Scandinavia (Krusell et al, 2019). The Norwegian government maintains that in accordance with regulation for health promotion and prevention in the school health services, the school nurse will collaborate with the school to create a good psychosocial environment for the children (Norwegian Directorate of Health, 2017). The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child reflects the international consensus on standards for ensuring the overall wellbeing of all children and young people up to the age of 18 years (World Health Organization, 2013).

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