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Young people's experiences of an anti-bullying Drama in Education workshop six months' post-participation

02 April 2020
Volume 1 | British Journal of Child health · Issue 2


The purpose of this primary research study was to explore young people's experiences of an anti-bullying Drama in Education workshop, to understand the meanings young people have attributed to their experiences in relation to the workshop using an interpretative study design and to understand if the intervention has influenced participant's knowledge, skills, and behaviours in bullying situations. The research aims to fill the knowledge gap of the mechanisms in which arts and health promotion and health education interventions enhance social and cognitive skills in young people and the longitudinal impact of drama interventions and their relevance in enhancing long-term skills and knowledge.

There is no agreed operational definition of bullying. Various studies define bullying as a repeated, direct or indirect negative action resulting in harmful behaviours which target an individual over a long period of time (Monks et al, 2009; Modecki et al, 2014; Sinkkonen et al, 2012).

Self-reported survey responses from 10 020 young people between the ages of 10 and 20 attending secondary schools and colleges across the UK suggest that one in two have experienced some form of bullying with one in ten bullied in the past week (, 2017). Evidence suggests that there is a strong correlation between bullying and reduced academic attainment (Varghese and Pistole, 2017; Nodin et al, 2017). More than 16 000 young people were reported absent from school in the UK, 2016, due to bullying and upwards of 50% of students in higher education have experienced bullying online (Varghese and Pistole, 2017; Nodin et al, 2017).

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